

CSW59: Om kvinneorganisasjonenes rolle

NKF er medarrangør av et arrangement i regi av Norges kvinnelobby i forbindelse med årets møte i FNs kvinnekommisjon i New York.Vi deltar med innspill om kvinnerettighetsorganisasjonenes fremtid og rolle i utviklede demokratier som det norske.

Om møtet:
You are invited to:
CSW 59 Parallel event organized by the Norwegian Women’s Lobby

The future and role of Women’s Rights Organizations in Developed Democracies

Date & time: 11th March, 2:30 pm
Place: Salvation Army

The Norwegian Women’s Lobby is an umbrella organization of women’s associations in Norway. In this parallel-event, a panel of representatives of member organizations of the Norwegian Women’s Lobby presents the status, challenges and needs of women’s organizations to work for gender equality in Norway. Norway ranks high on gender equality in international comparisons, and is by many seen as a champion of gender equality, but seen from the inside, the picture is not that bright, and the lack of resources and the marginalization of the women’s movement in decision-making processes remains a major problem.

Panelists: Lone Alice Johansen, The Women’s Shelter Secretariat, Frøydis Patursson, The Legal Advice for Women (JURK), Fakhra Salimi, The MiRA Resource Center for Black Immigrant and Refugee Women, Margunn Bjørnholt, the Norwegian Association for Women’s Rights (and more to be announced).

www.kvinnelobby.no @kvinnelobby